Saintess of the Golden Bow Demo Review by Amjara
What would it be like to wake up in one of your favorite novels? In Saintess of the Golden Bow meet an array of unforgettable characters, take up an epic quest and find love along the way.

The Story
Celine has a boring office job but life takes an interesting twist when after a fatal accident she wakes up as a character in her favorite web novel. She is supposed to die in the novel but manages to survive which causes a butterfly effect in the story where Celine replaces the main character, the brave heroine known as the Saintess of the Golden Bow.
Now tasked with having to defeat the evil Demon Queen she is joined by her faithful friend and knight Levi. Also tagging along for the journey is Noah the Mad Prince and Elijah the High Priest.
Noah is the son of the Empress Mirelle. He is egotistical, snarky and handsome with a hidden soft side.

Elijah is the High Priest and head of the Church of the God of Light. He seems so young for such a title honestly. But he is adorable, caring, friendly and enigmatic.

Levi is your friend and loyal knight. He is also extremely shy in matters of romance and has a unrequited love for our main character.

Gameplay & Features
Settings & features include; Display options, Skip text options, audio controls, text speed, and auto speed. The game has lots of save slots and a gallery that unlocks cg arts as you unlock them.
The game runs on an Affection System, where as you engage dialogue with characters their affection or lack of it will influence their relationship with you. You can monitor your levels at any time to see if your actions or choices are positively or negatively affecting your relationship with a character.
The Visuals & Audio
Visually the art is beautiful. The characters have an anime quality to them, and are colorful and vibrant. And the art is original, not AI, which I really appreciate. The backgrounds also mesh well with the character art in terms of coloring and lighting.
Some of the novel is voice acted and well done. I have to say I enjoyed the snarky voice acting done for Noah. So well executed. And the voice work done between Noah and his mother The Empress Mirelle is also excellent.
The music when present really adds to the atmosphere. Some tracks are more hymn-like while others are a tune a bard might strum on his lute. The ambient sounds in the game are well done from the sound of the wind and rain to sounds of the forest like birds chirping.
Overall Experience
This review is for the demo version of the game. It was a shorter demo yet highly enjoyable, it was the kind of experience where you wanted to keep playing and it ended too soon. I look forward to being able to experience the full novel eventually. From my short time with the characters I enjoyed them all. It is too hard to tell at this point who I will end up romancing, the slice of each character was not enough. However the voice acting for Noah was my favorite so leaning a bit more towards team Noah at this point. 💖
Otome Lovers wishes to thank Transparent Games & Error 300 for providing a free review copy for this game.
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